Hi! Welcome to my blog. I’m happy to finally get this off the ground after I don’t know how long. This has been a project mostly designed to help gain experience with AWS. I thought the best way to do that would be making a EC2 instance and making it a Web server. Right now, I took the path of least resistance (Hugo running an out of the box web server). While this pains me, I will surely be upgrading the backend (frontend, not so much. I am not a frontend dev) and will be writing blogs along the way :)
A little bit more about myself: I am 24, I have about 3 years of full time experience working in the networking field, and my primary interest in the world of IT is cyber-security. Working with Industrial Control Systems (ICS) would be my current long term career goals. As of now, I only have a college degree. No certs here. I will change that as time progresses though.
Besides having this blog as a sort of measuring stick of progression, I also plan on writing about my personal interests: movies, video games, music production, and other tech related topics! (I already have a blog brewing about self-hosting ;) ) As previously stated, I am NOT a frontend dev. I would rather scoop my eyes out with an ice cream scoop. Expect my nitty-gritty style of blogs that I hope will be just surface level enough for all, but technical enough for someone with a little bit of experience.
With that being said, Welcome. I hope you stay a while and listen!